Mountain Bike in proper working order. If you do not have a bike, please contact us so that we can help you with the process of getting one (P.S. we LOVE talking about bikes!)
Bike Helmet - fits correctly and in good condition (including in new rider registration)
Bike specific light - We will be riding at dusk/nighttime during our weekday practices. A handlebar mounted light is required (minimum 1,000 lumens – higher is better). We like Nite Rider and Outbound Lighting products. A helmet mounted light is encouraged, in addition to a handlebar mounted light. Outbound Lighting makes a great helmet light. There are cheaper options but make sure to compare the product weight (it makes a HUGE difference with the additional weight on your head).
Gloves (included in new rider registration)
Eye Protection
Spare tubeMUST have one at all times, even if you run tubeless
Closed toe shoes which can be cycling shoes for clipless pedals, OR for flat pedals, a flat sole shoe works fine (like Vans/Converse), or a MTB specific shoe works best
Water bottles / hydration pack - please note that it is super important to stay hydrated when you're not riding as well, especially as we hit spring-summer temps. Keep your water intake consistent at all times to avoid dehydration
CO2 / hand pump
Cycling Computer or phone to track rides - a Wahoo, Garmin or even an old, unused phone with wifi access can do the trick
Strava account - the free plan works great
Maricopa County Park Annual Pass is highly recommended, the other option is to pay per visit at every practice, which is less cost effective